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Spring is one of my favorite seasons, especially here in Arizona. The temperature hasn’t reached those scorching summer highs yet, so I spend a lot of time outdoors, enjoying the sun and fresh air. I love spring for another reason, too. It’s all about growth and renewal, ope... 4/20/2017 3:31:28 PM
Imagine you are placed in the middle of the woods with another person you have never met before. You are told that it takes one day on foot to get back home. You are given a map, a compass, and just enough food and water for one day. Your companion has the same. The map shows... 4/27/2018 7:00:00 AM
Well, 2020 is certainly a year we’ll always remember — for the good (more family time, less running around, and more home-cooked meals), the bad (pandemic, health worries, unemployment, and social distancing) and the ugly (presidential election, lives lost, and so many small ... 12/31/2020 10:28:56 AM
After the roller-coaster ride of 2020, we were all hoping that 2021 would bring the return to normalcy we so desperately craved. While that didn’t quite pan out, this year did bring new opportunities and many changes to the business landscape. From a new administration taking... 12/24/2021 3:50:21 PM
< All books Rich Dad Poor Dad what the rich teach their kids that the poor and the middle-class do not Get Your Copy Now! " Rich Dad Poor Dad is a starting point for anyone looking to gain control of their financial future." | USA TODAY <!-- end full... 7/1/2020 5:14:51 PM
Summary There are multiple types of asset classes that everyone should diversify in Don’t rely on a financial planner to “diversify” your money True diversification requires financial intelligence This is the final post in a series call... 5/3/2013 10:41:48 PM
If you’ve been paying attention to the economic news lately, you know there is a storm coming . Specifically, you’ve probably been seeing an uptick in layoff news. This just reinforces the claim Robert Kiyosaki has made for decades, that being an employee is the least secure... 8/13/2013 6:05:45 PM
Here in Phoenix, the summer is coming to a close for our local college students. If you drive by Arizona State University, you can see activity picking up. The kids are starting to come back and soon classes will resume. When I talk to young men and women on their way to... 8/10/2010 10:29:11 AM
The power of the corporation to protect you from Robin Hoods When I was a young boy, my teacher told us the story of Robin Hood and his merry men. She thought it was a wonderful story about a romantic hero who stole from the rich and gave to the poor. My rich dad didn't thin... 10/30/2012 10:23:53 AM
How to Keep More of Your Money and Grow Your Wealth You may think that you have no choice about how much tax you pay. Everyone has to pay taxes, right? Wrong. There are millions of people who legally pay little or no tax. What’s their secret? Do they know about loopholes t... 2/17/2020 11:14:18 AM
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