"This book gave me much more than I expected from it. Kiyosaki does a wonderful job presenting new ideas for looking at things such as debt and taxes, which are usually looked at in a negative way and can actually be leveraged to make you wealthy. It also helps to point a few myths and memes that we hear so often about money and that really only serve to hold us back. I learned a few things about beliefs that I held that were not in my best interest in acquiring wealth from reading this book, mostly about debt and my own fears of taking a risk to leverage it. I also learned about the concept of cashflow investing instead of investing strictly for capital gains or trading later on. Granted, I am an investment newbie, but that is why this book was so great for me and I believe it is one of the best places to start for anyone wanting to take control of their financial health. Instead of looking for techniques and strategies first, start with the right mindset and then look for what vehicle you want to use to acquire wealth. This book is not about specific ways to make money, so if you are looking for techniques and strategies, you may want a different book. However, if you are starting out or are having constant stumbling blocks getting started, this book gives so much value and will give you the big picture. It's kind of like seeing the whole map first and then you can choose specific destinations of where you want to go with much greater ease. I think this book can help anyone feel more confident in finding the right path for themselves."
NorCalGent, Amazon reviewer