Blog | Entrepreneurship

What’s Stopping you from Starting Your Business?

The roadblocks we face as Entrepreneurs

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If you can't already tell, I’m an independent woman. I was a female law enforcement officer in Las Vegas … you can’t get more independent than that. Along with having a career that was independent, I wanted more. I wanted financial freedom and the lifestyle that came with that territory.

You might be wanting the same thing right now. So, what’s stopping you?

The most obvious answer would be fear. But what causes that fear? Is it the lack of knowledge in business? Is it not having a support system behind you? Is it the misconception that you won’t have enough time to make it happen?

All these reasons are things you can overcome and conquer. I would guess to say that most business owners risked a lot to get their businesses off the ground and I’m sure they were all scared to do it. Fear is an emotion that is okay to feel, but you learn to move passed it. You’ll never be able to accomplish anything if you let fear stand in the way.

I was motivated for one reason: control. One of the best parts of owning a business is that you have full control over the decisions. Have you ever had a job where you wished they would operate a different way? Or you wished they had better policies? When you own your business, you have the authority to make those calls and choices.

When you’re a business owner, you have multiple responsibilities. These responsibilities include interacting with your employees, putting time and effort into critical decisions and making sure your business is operating the way it should be. It sounds like a daunting job but when you take it step by step, it is very rewarding.

Think about all the aspects of a business you’ll be involved in; marketing strategies, product design meetings, understanding the books, etc. This is where you should feel the freedom to impart yourself in your business. If there is something you don’t like, you have the power to change it.

When Josh and I started our journey to financial freedom, it was scary. I had a good job that I was going to leave behind for the unknown. But I knew that taking a risk could have a huge payout. And it did.

I have learned so much about myself and about the financial sector by taking a leap of faith. Has it been a smooth ride? Not at all. Have there been nights where I cried and questioned it all? Absolutely. But would I go back and change a thing? No.

Everything that Josh and I have been through has guided us and led us to financial freedom. We didn’t let fear get in our way, we let fear drive us towards our goals. Our greatest fear wasn’t failing at a business, it was getting stuck in the rat race and never having financial freedom for us and our kids.

So, if you have a dream of owning your own business, do what you need to do to make it a reality!

Start doing the research NOW! Like I mentioned in my last blog, find a mentor and learn all you can. Find friends and family members who will emotionally support your journey. Dedicate time to develop your business. Remember, you deserve to have financial freedom. Create the life you want!

Original publish date: June 24, 2019

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